Friday, 20 November 2009

In Canada with smokers struggle by means of computer games

The American researchers result data that about 45 % of smokers try to give up smoking every year. Thus attempts and remain attempts. Scientists indefatigably search for a way to help smokers to get rid of a bad habit.

One of last ways suggests to try to give up smoking by means of a computer game which is constructed by a principle of the training apparatus, helping to train skills of disposal of a bad habit.

Game has been tested during experiment in which have involved 91 smokers with the experience. Experiment of 12 weeks lasted. The first group of smoking people in number of 46 persons was engaged in that on the computer screen extinguished virtual cigarettes a virtual hand. The second group (accordingly 45 persons) on the computer screen was engaged in catching of balls. Experiment results are very indicative: in the first group by the end of experiment 15 % have refused cigarettes, in the second group their quantity equaled only 2 %.

In half a year after experiment has been finished, in the first group the quantity given up smoking has reached 39 %, and in 20 % second only. Scientists predict success of this method, hoping that disks with antinicotinic game will appear on free sale.

Let's remind that, according to the American scientists, transition of the smoker to more light cigarettes containing less of pitches and nicotine, conducts to that will give up smoking to it much more difficult. One more research has proved that light cigarettes practically do not differ from usual on degree of influence on an organism of the smoker.

Thursday, 12 November 2009

To smokers. Do not throw stubs of cigarettes from a balcony

The stub which has been thrown out from a balcony, has fallen to back glass parked Audi, was went in a crack that without ceremony could become a cause of the fire.

If the smoking stub was noticed by passers-by and in time have not put out, not cheap car would turn to a torch.
In my house ladder marches are separated from lifts to get on a ladder, it is necessary to pass through a survey balcony. These survey balconies with decorative six-coal apertures settle down just over an entrance porch. Apparently, these balconies have very much attracted to fans of cigarettes. Very much, whether know, "pleasantly" happens, expensive smokers when you go out of doors, and absolutely near to you the burning stub falls!

Wednesday, 11 November 2009

German "from" your vehicle ... "Priluki"

Pre "stuffed" his vehicle 77 cartons of cigarettes brands «LM», «PryƂuki" and «Next», a citizen of Germany was trying to illegally remove tobacco products from Ukraine. However Uzhgorod customs officers found in the vehicle all the "caches" and brought the offender to clean water.
Returning home, the 59-year-old German crossed the Ukrainian-Slovak border crossing point "Uzhgorod" on the microbus Brand "Volkswagen". During customs control assured the inspectors that has no hidden items. However, the attentive eye of a customs officer suspected that the foreign car rides are not empty, so it was decided to conduct a more in-depth review. And as it turned out, in vain.
With the help of technical means dismantling a van lining, lining freezers and tires, spare tire, the inspectors found that all the constructive cavity of the vehicle is literally crammed with cigarettes.
A protocol on violation of customs regulations. Cigarettes and a minibus, which was used to move the hidden goods, worth almost 180 thousand hryvnia, customs officers seized before the court decision, reported in the Customs Service of Ukraine.

Wednesday, 4 November 2009

Preservation of confidentiality of the clients

On a post today's 911 against smoking to environment, confidentiality any more what it is possible to expect. Intimate details about you are distributed among the highest price and your preferences of purchase are exposed only about somebody that wishes to know them

Today not the same as yesterday. After intrusion the confidentiality, one company has turned which unlike any other company at the order. Sovran the Decision Internet differ. One of their primary goals is protection of confidentiality and to provide a safe way to buy online of tobacco products - from those curious eyes who wishes to know everything that to you to do.

In this connection, system of a uniform input huge and unique success. Nobody offers SSO that has, and that smokers want across all America.

Thursday, 29 October 2009

Turkey, a country of cigarettes, pipes and hookahs, introduces a ban on smoking

Anti Tobacco Act will be introduced in a country where tobacco, cigarettes, pipes and hookahs are one of the attributes of life style. In accordance with the law, approved by the Commission on the legal procedures of the Turkish Parliament, the ban on smoking in public places across the country will be introduced.

Sandwiched between the ancient habits and great desire to meet European standards, a Turkish citizen to adopt a new law, as a revolution. Turkish people have always smoked. People in Turkey smoke everywhere, in offices and hospitals, schools and taxis, in bars and cinemas. Even near mosques perceive the smell of cigarettes. Many of the mustached man with a cigarette can be met everywhere in the country.

Nevertheless, the majority of the population said that they are ready to give up the ritual, according to European law, to enter the European Union.


Humidor is the case, a box or a safe, equipped with a special system of humidification. Without the observance of certain storage conditions (temperature, relative humidity) cigars cannot be fresh all the time.

Selection and training of the tree, which is used for the production of humidors, is of great importance. Tree must be experienced at least ten years in the open air, protected from the weather. Its surface should be smooth, without cracks, and have a good structure. Some disadvantages of natural wood, such as knots, dark spots, holes, cracks, humidors detracts from the appearance, and only the best looking specimens humidors are selected for an elite product.

Plates of different shapes and tie are glued together to form different patterns. Humidors may be of different sizes from small models travel on the boards in the shops and restaurants, a cigar.

WARNING PICTURES on cigarette packs NEEDED

Office of Health in collaboration with primary health-care management and anti-smoking programs in the Ministry of Health will be on Sunday the campaign against smoking under the slogan "Yes to the warning pictures on cigarette packs, and not misleading words."

The new campaign at Red Sea Mall is aimed at raising awareness of the warning pictures on every cigarette packet.

The purpose of the campaign coincided with World No Tobacco Day (May 31) is to educate the general public and decision makers, in particular, about the health risks associated with cigarettes, "said al-Abdulrhman Sahafi, PR-manager in Jeddah, the Office for Health.

Throughout the world, he said the government pressured the company to produce cigarettes graphically describe the dangers of smoking, said Dr. Shams Mnal anti-smoking program organizer in the Ministry of Health.

The campaign is also in line with the recent World Health Organization rules to curb smoking. "With these paintings warning will play a very important role in reducing the number of smokers throughout the world," he said.

By Shams, nine out of ten smokers reside in countries where there is no pictorial warnings on cigarette packets.

Office of Health Care Program will be combined with several discussions and meetings about the role of using pictures to warn people about how tobacco can damage their health to persuade smokers to kick the deadly habit for good.

"We noticed that the majority of Saudis are not aware of the dangers of smoking. Therefore, the use of these photographs make them understand the negative impact of smoking on health," said Shams. - SG

Wednesday, 28 October 2009

Smoking may be useful?

Tobacco was brought to Europe from South America in the 16 century. Despite the existing ban on smoking in those days of the churches and governments, tobacco smoking has become a widespread habit among the population of European countries.

It goes well the structure of tobacco smoke. There have identified about 500 substances in it. But the main pharmacologically active substances were nicotine (acute effects) and resin (chronic action).

Known about the small number of diseases that develop in smokers less likely than non-smokers!

These include: toxaemia of pregnancy, postoperative pulmonary embolism (blood vessel occlusion - a dangerous complication), Parkinson's disease, ulcerative colitis, Alzheimer's disease (for smokers never develop!). In addition, the frequency of endometrial cancer slightly lower in female smokers than nonsmokers. Yet it must be emphasized that these minor beneficial effects can not be compared with the risk caused by the constant smoking! Everyone knows that smoking causes severe forms of many diseases.

BAT is interested in purchasing of Turkish tobacco company Tekel Cigarette

British American Tobacco is interested in purchasing of Turkish public company Tekel Cigarette. Estimated value of the company in accordance with Analytics is $ 1-1,5 billion.

This is the third time when the Turkish government is trying to sell Tekel Cigarette Company. Regarding this, it will probably be sold soon. Previous attempts to sell the Turkish manufacturer of tobacco failed because it was not enough bids at the auction. Companies do not offer the Turkish government the necessary price.

Along with the British American Tobacco are three groups of companies - a consortium led by Turkish conglomerate Dogan Holding - granted the applications for purchase. Another syndicate which includes a Turkish construction company Lima Insaat, and the consortium, which includes Civen company specializing in the acquisition of a controlling stake.

Today, Philip Morris, the company occupies a leading position in the Turkish cigarette market. Tekel whose share has steadily declined recently, 29%. BAT controls almost 7% of the Turkish market.

Tuesday, 13 October 2009

Smoking and hormone replacement therapy increases the risk of breast cancer

Smoking hundreds of cigarettes significantly increases the likelihood of developing breast cancer.
At the next stage of research, scientists are going to find out what impact the development of breast cancer has a number of smoked cigarettes.
The team of scientists from the Mayo Clinic (USA) compared the risk factors in 1 225 women, breast cancer patients, and the 6 872 patients whose disease is not diagnosed. The results showed 10% of the subjects smoked at the time of the experiment, 9% separated from the pernicious habit some time ago, while 81% had never been had. In women who had smoked in total during the life of a hundred or more cigarettes, the risk of the disease was much higher than the others.
However, the probability of occurrence of malignant tumors in the breast is markedly reduced, as only a woman stop smoking.
It was also found that oral contraceptives for 11 years or more increases the risk of developing breast cancer by 200%. In women who received postmenopausal hormone therapy, the risk increased by 81%. In addition, each year the life of the likelihood of cancer increases by 2%. A hysterectomy (removal of uterus), by contrast, reduces the risk by 35%.
At the next stage of research, scientists are going to find out what impact the development of breast cancer have a smoking in pre-and postmenopausal period, the number of cigarettes smoked and passive smoking.
Recall also that smoking cessation rapidly reduces the risk of heart disease. Within a few weeks after the rejection of cigarettes among women reduced the level of tumor necrosis factor (TNF) and two other related substances. In addition, the content decreases in blood C-reactive protein (CRP), whose presence indicates inflammation in the body, and interleukin-6, also participates in the immune response and inflammatory reaction.

Thursday, 19 March 2009

Filter of cigarette

The filter cigarette was a specialty item until 1954, when manufacturers introduced it broadly following a spate of speculative announcements from doctors and researchers concerning a possible link between lung diseases and smoking. Reacting to smokers' voiced fears and sudden reduced cigarette consumption, cigarette companies, by altering the filter's structure and materials, began making competing claims about how low their brands' tar and nicotine levels were. Some cigarettes today boast the inclusion of a "charcoal filter" in addition to the more common dense, synthetic fiber filters seen in almost all filter cigarettes. Manufacturers claim that charcoal filters, which contain bits of charcoal embedded within the fiber filters, reduce certain toxins in the smoke. But no evidence exists that these cigarettes are significantly less dangerous for the user. Most filter cigarettes also bear ventilation holes punched around the circumference of the filter tip. (Regular cigarettes might feature one ring of ventilation holes, while light and ultra-light cigarettes of the same brand might have two or more rings.) These tiny holes, which you can see by holding the unrolled paper up to a bright light, can allow enough fresh air into the smoke that such cigarettes can test quite low in tar and nicotine levels when smoked by machines, which do not cover the holes. However, smokers' fingers or lips often cover some of these holes as they puff, giving them much higher doses of tar and nicotine than advertised. According to critics of the tobacco industry, the holes create a flexible dosing system that allows addicted smokers to maintain the tar and nicotine levels they crave while believing they are receiving lower, safer doses.